About Me

With years of experience in the industry, I have developed a deep understanding of grammar rules, punctuation, and style guides. Whatever your writing style, I'll adapt my editing approach to suit your specific needs.

Expert Proofreading and Editing:
Elevating Your Writing to Excellence

My love of editing and proofreading developed during my 20-plus years as an administrative support professional. I’ve always enjoyed taking a messy document (and I’ve seen quite a few!) and cleaning it up. Proofread Anywhere’s General Proofreading: Theory & Practice and Edit Republic’s High Level Proofreading Pro were my allies in becoming a trained and qualified proofreader and copy editor. Since then, I’ve expanded my skills through Edit Republic’s The Art of Line Editing, and Advanced Editing and Manuscript Evaluation courses. Although nonfiction projects are my favorite, I enjoy helping all types of writers refine and polish their words to next-level brilliance. I offer developmental editing (otherwise known as content editing), line editing, copy editing, and proofreading for nonfiction authors, and I have edited content ranging from guidebooks to memoirs to websites. I live in Trinidad, in the capital city Port of Spain, so I do my editing on a tiny island, in a tiny apartment overlooking the Caribbean sea. Reading is one of my favorite things to do (no surprise there), with my next love being travel. When I can’t get on a plane myself, there’s nothing I like better than to combine the two and live vicariously through a memoir written by one of my favorite travel writers. My other interests include DIY and home decor, so in my spare time I can often be found with a glue gun and a can of spray paint in my never-ending quest to make over yet another object in my home. So that’s a little about me—thank you for stopping by! I can’t wait to read what you’ve written! Why not book a free consultation so we can talk about it? I’m looking forward to working with you and helping you bring your project to life!

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Get Free Consultation

A bespoke solution can be complex, requiring careful consideration, planning, and execution. I encourage my clients to contact me directly for a free initial consultation. I will gladly assist, without obligation, with advice on how to approach your project.

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